Episode 98

October 02, 2024



Hosted by

Liam Oliver (AKA Captainperth/Cap) Tim Wiegele (AKA GrizzlyGaming86/Grizz)
Oceanic Gaming Radio

Oct 02 2024 | 01:42:30


Show Notes

OCEANIC GAMING RADIO: Australia's Cheekiest Gaming Podcast*
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:20] Speaker A: Yeah. G'day, and welcome to Oceanic Gaming. Radio hasn't been around for a little while, but we're back. Okay. It's episode 98. It is the first of the 10th October. It's been three months since the last episode. [00:00:38] Speaker B: Every week, it's like, cap, you busy? Yeah, I'm free. Let's do Monday night. We get to, like, Friday, and it's like, nah, cap, I'm sorry. Can't do it. Too much. [00:00:48] Speaker A: Things come up, and then we, like, figure out another day. And then I'm like, oh, like, I've got to do some shit for work or something happens. Basically. Shit's fucking hard. So I think we'll just fucking barrel straight into it, grizz, basically. Unfortunately, we've decided collaboratively that this is going to be our third last episode. We're going to make it to 100. But, yeah, it's just getting really difficult for both of us. I mean, from. I'm just going to say from my side is it's. It's like. It's on all areas. Family, work, the fucking rest of it. I just don't have fucking time anymore, you know? Well, I know you're the same person. [00:01:28] Speaker B: Looking back, mate, when we started this beast, we. Our lives were completely different. What was it two years ago, Cap? Two years ago? Was it three years ago? [00:01:39] Speaker A: It would have been that two or so, I reckon. [00:01:42] Speaker B: Two. Two years ago. Almost a bit years, yeah. And I back at myself two years ago, cap, and my job was nice and cruisy and easy. I'd go away and I'd dive for a little bit, and then I'd come back and I'd have a bit of free time these days, mate. It's just. It's just not the same. I just haven't got that spare time to throw at it, so I'm the same man. [00:02:02] Speaker A: Like, you know, when I first started my job, I had way less responsibility than I do. Like, literally way less. Like, way, way, way less. Like, my job now is just, like, guns blazing every day. And then I come home and, man, I just want to lie in bed. I'm. [00:02:16] Speaker B: I could be honest, by the way. So what you are gaming in bed? A little bit, cap, with your VR goggles on, mate. [00:02:23] Speaker A: I mean, yeah, I mean, we'll get to that in the. How's it going to that? [00:02:27] Speaker B: Okay. [00:02:28] Speaker A: I'm doing a little bit of game, but it's probably. It's probably another part of this. Grizz, is, like, my gaming habits are so different these days. Like, I don't consume games in the way that I feel like I can adequately talk about them. You. You know what I mean? Like, I don't feel like I have the same kind of insight that I used to have, and I can't keep on top of it either. [00:02:48] Speaker B: Well, I feel like I've been that way for longer. And you've carried this podcast for quite some time now, whereas you would know every fucking game inside and out, every little fact. And I'm just here just, you know, talking shit, so I know what it's like, mate. I understand. Yeah, it is sad. Look, it is. It is a sad day, guys. But you know what? So we've still got two more episodes to go. We'll make it to 100, and then we'll call it quits. We still, as far as we know, have our other podcast cap that's happening under the OGR banner. They'll probably continue to fly the flag unless we hear otherwise. But yeah, yeah, this will be getting. [00:03:23] Speaker A: Weighing down, but I think what the plan will probably be is, look, being realistic, you'll probably get another episode in months time. I doubt we'll be able to get one banged out in a fortnight like we've been trying to, but we'll probably get one. Yeah, November. And I think we'll probably do, like, our classic, you know, end of the year favorite games of 2024, all the rest of it, you know, the OgIes awards. [00:03:49] Speaker B: Oh, the OGIs got to finish the. Maybe we'll get Pav in for the Ogis. [00:03:52] Speaker A: That's what I think. I reckon, you know, we'll see if pads floating around and if he's keen to get involved, we'll do the OGIs together and have a bit of fun with it. But yeah, it's just how it is. So, yeah, sorry that that's how we started the episode. But, I mean, it's the best time to kind of explain that this is what's going, going on because, you know, in terms of retention and how when people generally fall off episodes, I mean, they most likely gonna listen to the. [00:04:15] Speaker B: Beginning and, you know, people are also feel like people are continuing to pay for Patreon and things, so we might as well be upfront and honest and spell that out. [00:04:28] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm gonna try and turn those off if I can, or at least, you know, let you guys know now so you can do it, and then we will try and flick them off ourselves. So, um, yeah, basically, you know, you're not getting your money's worth and that's, you know, fair. So I don't blame you. I don't blame blame ya. But we do appreciate all those bloody legends. So, you know, again, we'll get into housekeeping rules, but, um, grizz, how's your last three months been? [00:04:58] Speaker B: Dude, fuck. It's just crazy, cap. Um, I don't know. It's been really been three months. Is that how long it's been? [00:05:05] Speaker A: I think our last episode was the 23 July. [00:05:11] Speaker B: I think the highlight for me in the last three months, cap, outside of family time, is the dota two international weekend that we had. We shared some time together. [00:05:22] Speaker A: Yeah, we did. It was fucking awesome. [00:05:24] Speaker B: It was freaking awesome. So I'm sure people listening to this podcast are probably aware that the annual dota two international event occurred. And we organized a little trip for a bunch of mates. We. We booked this beautiful house on the riverside down near Mandra kind of way, and there was, what, ten of us, cap, and we just had. It had an excuse to drink a heap of beers and watch some dota and play some dota. [00:05:53] Speaker A: And it was so good. We took our PCs. Did you say we take? Not a mistake. I didn't, but we did. We took our PCs, we played Dota, we hung out, watched Dota. Um, one of the guys there, he's like a. He's a. He's a chef. Um, and so he and another mate who is just a literal epic chef, um, they both cook some amazing meals. Aggie was the food. [00:06:15] Speaker B: Holy shit. [00:06:16] Speaker A: Oh, my God. So good. You know, like, we had like a. What do we have? The first night, it was like a roast brisket. Not brisket, but, you know, that kind of thing with sides. And it was just unreal. And then the next time we have this like insane ragu and, you know, yeah, eating like kings and I. And, yeah, it was just such good vibes. And, you know, we're kind of just cruising around this house all day and me and grizz drunk like. Like a billion freaking mojitos, man. [00:06:44] Speaker B: I was fucking hungover for a week after. Absolute shit. So we did a magic draft as well. So we bought a box of magic cards and basically creamed it. [00:06:59] Speaker A: Grizzly. Freaking creamed it. [00:07:01] Speaker B: I did create a very good deck. I don't know, I think I got quite lucky. Quite lucky on that was good. But your deck did quite well as well, Cap. You weren't too bad. [00:07:11] Speaker A: Yeah, I think it was all right. I just. I think I probably could have teased the manner a little bit and, you know, not starved myself so much, but it's always the way you kind of think you've done all right, and then you go, actually, that set was pretty. [00:07:24] Speaker B: Interesting, cap, because they encouraged you to go tricolor. [00:07:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:31] Speaker B: Had a heap of multi colors in it and. And a lot of the multicolors more. Most of them, maybe all of them cap, were tricolor. Multis. [00:07:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:40] Speaker B: A lot of the decks people were drafting were tricolor, which means, you know, you're trying to get the colors you want. It's more than likely someone else is trying to draft. Yeah, same color, but yeah, the mana. [00:07:50] Speaker A: Economy for the tricolour decks, pretty tough. Like, especially if me, I mean, I play fuck all magic. So, you know, try to, like. You kind of want more ways to get the mana you need outside of just drawing mana, because you need to kind of be able to kind of find what you need. You know what I mean? So. [00:08:11] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. And they did a pretty good job at putting cards in there to allow you to do that in the set. Like search your. Your deck for certain color cards, but if you weren't actively looking for those in the draft, it's kind of like after the fact, not knowing you needed those, and then you'd be kind of fucked. [00:08:30] Speaker A: Did you say that they've released a new set recently? [00:08:35] Speaker B: No. No, I haven't. What is it? [00:08:37] Speaker A: So they've got a new one, Duskmourne House of horror. And that's kind of the whole theme is like, you know, classic kind of scary shit, you know? So I. I jumped on the MTG arena and opened my three pack and everything's kind of like, you know, clown. [00:08:56] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. Is it good? Like it. I was playing the other one that was on MTG arena, which is the bloom burrow, which is like all there's. There's like, I don't know, it's kind of like animals, like rats and ice and it was, it's got ferrets. [00:09:09] Speaker A: It's a bit like going with the wind or whatever it's called vibe to it. I thought it was a bit fucking lame, to be honest. [00:09:17] Speaker B: Did you? What, as in Bloomberg was a bit lame? [00:09:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [00:09:21] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:09:21] Speaker A: I actually quite liked it, man, because. [00:09:23] Speaker B: I can see what you mean. Yeah, gone with a win. Yeah, see, I liked. I had, I had a bunny deck, like a rabbit deck that just was like, pro referite your fucking bunnies and just get shitloads of them and then you get those cards that just buff them up. [00:09:36] Speaker A: That's quite funny. I love how it's like, rabbit Deck's like the new fucking goblin deck, right? [00:09:42] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. It was. Yeah, exactly. That's pretty cool, though. [00:09:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Tell me about the rest of your months. Like you've been gigging. [00:09:50] Speaker B: I've been playing a lot of music, Cap. A lot of music still. So this weekend I've got. I got double gig weekend this weekend. Two really fun ones, mate. I'm doing silver chair tribute into an offspring tribute Friday and Saturday night, so they're taking a bit more time. But I've also been away for work a little bit, Cap. I fly out Thursday next week for five days out to the asset and going to be out there for a little bit. But look, mate, all just normal life things, really. My kids are on school holidays now, so that's pretty cool. Been doing stuff with them during the day when I'm working from home and other bits and pieces. We had a really nice weather day today, Cap. Tomorrow it's turning to shit, apparently. So. [00:10:31] Speaker A: Yeah. It's fricking all over the shop, isn't it? It's like. Just can't make mind up. [00:10:36] Speaker B: It's like we're between seasons here, you know? [00:10:38] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, we kind of have it. I feel like normally by now the season's kind of picked in line, but we've kind of. It's like, oh, I'm gonna get warm now. I'm going cold again. [00:10:53] Speaker B: Bloody tease at us now, Cap, in amongst all that, I have been doing some gaming. Some of. I don't know whether you're aware of my gaming, so I'm pretty keen to. To let you know what I've been doing once we get down into the. Yeah, that's why. [00:11:07] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm freaking keen to explore that with you. [00:11:11] Speaker B: Very freaking keen. [00:11:12] Speaker A: Well, maybe I'll just kind of. [00:11:14] Speaker B: I'm also pretty keen to discuss your. Your fail on the gaming front, which we had a bit of a giggle. [00:11:19] Speaker A: About in the pre show, mate. Yeah. No, I'm looking forward to discussing why I'm a bloody idiot. And I guess just where my brain is at the moment is probably a good way just to, like, you know, emphasize, like, how my brain just does not have time for anything outside of family, work, and maybe a touch of gaming at the moment. [00:11:43] Speaker B: Enough about me. What about you, mate? Give me. Give me the last three months in a summary, if you can. [00:11:48] Speaker A: Well, last three months. Look, work's been hectic. Just. I mean, it doesn't. That never seems to be any different for me. You know, I feel like I say every single bloody podcast, but I mean, I feel I was kind of talking to you before, Grizz. I'm kind of at a stage now, wherever. I have to just kind of push back and be like, I can't, can't. I literally just can't. Like, you know, and then, like, I'm always kind of playing priorities as well. So it's hard because there's so many things that, like, need to get done, and then you kind of just got to go, well, realistically, what really needs to be done? Do I have time to do it? So, yeah, it's been full on, but I've been really enjoying it. So there's some big cool stuff that we're doing at work at the moment, and that's been really fun to work on. So I'm really getting to code. [00:12:35] Speaker B: You're getting to code much, cap, you coding? [00:12:37] Speaker A: Yeah, it's still doing a bit of coding, but a lot of the stuff that we do is like, so the platform I work in is less traditional code, and it's like, like low code stuff. So it's a lot of, like, building workflows. You're not. You might be familiar with it, but it's kind of like power automate. [00:12:59] Speaker B: So this is where I wish I was born a little bit later because my kids have learned, all three of them have learned how to code different digital technology and other bits and pieces, but I literally have zero. I have no idea, apart from doing some very, very crude game dev coding stuff on camera, what platform I was using, but, yeah, not across it. [00:13:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I do a little bit of traditional coding here and there, but it's not a big part of my job just because of the platform we use, basically. But if certain projects come to fruition, I'll be doing a lot more traditional programming, which I'm quite excited for because I miss it. But I have been doing. I've got a little side project going that I'm not really willing to discuss over the air, but I am doing some traditional programming with that and working with a friend on something, so I might tell you about it off the air. And everyone at home is going to go, oh, yeah, talk about it. But yeah, I literally just don't want it because it's a fucking good idea. And it's actually gaming adjacent, so I'll tell you about that later. So I've been doing a bit of that and then a little bit of gaming here and there. Nothing major. I've been playing a little bit of d and d here and there, fairly ad hoc with a group that Adrian red weird, who's been on the show before. Been playing a campaign with him. Dude. No, we've got another mate who's dming it. And yeah, I've seen all the tools. [00:14:34] Speaker B: And stuff you use, but they look fucking awesome, man. Like the. [00:14:37] Speaker A: He's props and stuff actually insane. So he has built these modular bases that basically are built out of squares. And so it's like tiles. And the tiles kind of look like cobblestones or whatever. And then. So each one of those is like 5 meters within the five e rule step. And then he's built all these, like, walls and stuff and, like, pieces of, you know, um, architecture and shit so. [00:15:04] Speaker B: He can build, like, things. I saw one. There was a carpet. He had like, a bear carpet thing. [00:15:10] Speaker A: Yes. We got another mate who's got a 3d printer, and he just prints all this shit for. For the campaign. So we had this massive bar fight, and he built a bar. And I can't explain to you, like, how epic it is because, like, he built all these tiny little miniature mugs that were, like, in comparison to our. [00:15:28] Speaker B: You know what, dude? That would actually change the way you play the game when it's like that because, you know, you can use improvised weapons and stuff in those bar fights for D and. Yeah, and I'm sure, like, you can probably imagine picking up certain things and fucking doing stuff. That's cool. [00:15:43] Speaker A: Yeah, that's freaking cool. So I'm playing a monk, and that's been a lot of fun. [00:15:47] Speaker B: Oh, dude. [00:15:49] Speaker A: Yeah. So it's been good. The only issue is, like, I'm kind of starved of, um, agility because, like, you use agility for your, you know, you to hit and everything. So I didn't. I went too hard on wisdom, which is not a bad thing. But it's kind of like, what level miss a lot of Lizzie character level five. [00:16:09] Speaker B: So you've unlocked your school, is that right? [00:16:13] Speaker A: Yes. So I used a. Because there's a few different, like, books you can include. And so Adam was like, yeah, just go wild. And so I've got this one called, like, ascendant dragon or some shit. And basically I can. I can any damage ideal. I can change the type of damage it is to any elemental damage and choose the school. And then I can also do this thing wherever on hit. I can choose to, like, basically fire out. Instead of doing, like, a standard hit, it fires, like, a line or a cone of damage out from beyond the. [00:16:51] Speaker B: Target so that you keep key points to be able to do that. Is that. [00:16:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:16:56] Speaker B: Okay, fine. That's pretty cool, man. [00:16:58] Speaker A: It's pretty rad. Yeah. [00:17:00] Speaker B: My last belters gates replay through was a. Yeah. One of those muk among plays through. Yeah, yeah. [00:17:08] Speaker A: That's cool. [00:17:09] Speaker B: Very fun. [00:17:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:17:09] Speaker B: So today, they all get that multi attack, don't they? What's that? Kind of what it's called the flurry or whatever. Flurry, yes. [00:17:16] Speaker A: Yeah. Flurry of blows, I think. [00:17:19] Speaker B: Flurry of blows. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:17:21] Speaker A: But, yeah. So you can spend a key to get an extra, like. [00:17:24] Speaker B: So attack you unarmed, Cap. [00:17:26] Speaker A: I am fighting with your fists. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which I don't know how good that is. It feels like shit sometimes because. Oh, my God. [00:17:36] Speaker B: I think you can, like, cheese those mug builds. You can get, like, tavern brawler where you're. I think it's like your run arm strikes the feet, your unarmed strikes. Apply your strength modifier and then you just. You can try to put points into strength and then you fucking. [00:17:51] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:17:51] Speaker B: Cheesing them. [00:17:52] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Right, okay. Yeah. [00:17:55] Speaker B: I think there is some really good unarmed feats that you can get. [00:17:59] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, I took this one called Crusher, which gave me some extra agility, which helped a little bit. But then also I get the ability to on here to shift characters to an adjacent thing. [00:18:15] Speaker B: That's cool. [00:18:16] Speaker A: Which is amazing because, like, there's instances where you can shift them into, like. I mean, depending on how fucking bold you're feeling. Stand next to, like, a chasm. You could shift them into empty space and then drop them off. Chasms and stuff. So I haven't done it yet, but it'll be pretty cool. [00:18:34] Speaker B: Pretty cool. [00:18:36] Speaker A: Yeah. So, anyways, been doing a bit of D and D. Had my birthday in July, which was a little bit after that last episode, so. Fuck. [00:18:44] Speaker B: It was my birthday last week, dude, too. I forgot to say that. [00:18:47] Speaker A: Yeah, it was your birthday as well. Like, we both had our birthday since, so not. I did an awful lot. It was just kind of, like, just had it, basically. But, yeah, other than that, like, life's been going really good. Me has gone really well. Ted's going really well. Life's just good, you know. I'm still kind of on the weight, like, train and losing weight. Coming up big t's birthday. [00:19:13] Speaker B: I've told you this yet, mate. I need to. You got a party for him on the weekend, right? I need to make a decision because it's also my niece's birthday party the same day, so I'll be at one of those mates. I'll let you know. I plant what I end up doing. [00:19:27] Speaker A: Whatever happens, happens. I won't hold it against you. It's fine, perfectly fine. Whatever. What are you gonna do? Um, but yeah, so other than that, yeah, basically weight loss and gym's been going really well. Um, kind of pretty stable at the moment, but, um, fairly consistent with my gym. This week's gonna be a bit fucked. Cause, uh, that's the other part of like wanting to, well, needing to kind of let go of the podcasting is like, those nights are like so important because that's when I go to the gym these days. It's like after work. So like this week I probably won't get a chance to go to the gym at all because I've just got something on every night, basically, so. But that's just how it goes, you know. So you work anyways. [00:20:09] Speaker B: Nightcap, fucking helmet. [00:20:11] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, I am too, but I just don't really have time to do it. First thing in the morning, my gym doesn't open up early enough, so. And then I'm going to drop ted off at daycare and then I'm at work and then I come home. So the first thing I do is I drop ted off at ten, Mia off, and then I just go straight at the gym and then I'm home by about 6630. So it's not too bad. But, um, you know, still afternoon, you're pretty cooked, but you know, you just got to squeeze it in wherever you can. So other than that, it's about everything. And we've been talking for like 20 minutes about this shit, so we better fucking. [00:20:42] Speaker B: It's been three months, mate. You know, we've got a fucking catch up. [00:20:46] Speaker A: Got a bit of. Got a bit of catching up to do. But uh, look, let's dive straight in. Firstly, just want to say a big thanks to our wonderful listeners. You guys rock. You can catch this podcast on all podcasting platforms for the next three episodes before we. We go dark, you know, friggin radio silent decommission. So yeah, you know, keep up to date. And I just want to say a big thank you to our wonderful patreons. You know, they are the legendary listeners that come out every month and drop a few casholas in our pockets, you know, soon to be no more. But just want to say we bloody appreciate everything you guys have done thus far and it's really helped sort of keep the boat moving and yeah, look, it's, you know, there's been costs involved with this, this bloody thing, you know, so, yeah, we really appreciate it. They are, these are wonderful people. I'm Asukai Moosie caging runt Lee jlibs, Bryn Strops and slay toss legends. Appreciate you guys. All right, champions. I guess I should probably play the play the fucking next thing, which I need to find. It's been a while since I've done this. Chris, quest log. We got a quest log, don't we? You know, click this button, hopefully it plays. Let's see what happens. There we go. All right, well, it's been a fair bit that's happened last three months. We kind of like. We kind of just kept adding to this over and over again and random shit. [00:22:22] Speaker B: We fucking did intend to do it. We did. Cat. We had the best intentions, but we. [00:22:27] Speaker A: Made the fucking run. Sheep. We made it. Their plan was there. So anyways, look, we'll start from the top. The most recent thing that's happened and I added this to. Wasn't in there. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely that's fault. We had a PlayStation state of play. Can you believe it? We did. Yep. Yep. That was September and there was a lot of things that came out. So I'm just gonna pretty much read through the entire document, Grizz, and you can just chime in as we go. [00:22:52] Speaker B: Fab Zia. [00:22:53] Speaker A: Fuck you, Pav. Fab you legend. Pav. We're gonna have you on the last episode. It's gonna be in December sometime, right? So make sure you got time to do that. [00:23:03] Speaker B: Christmas Eve. [00:23:04] Speaker A: We got the Ogies again. It'll be the final episode, you know, gonna dress up in suits. Maybe we'll do that. Whoever wins the ogs, I'm sure. [00:23:11] Speaker B: Hey, wait, wins? There's no winning Ogies, is there? Can you win the OGis or is that our. No, that's the game of the year award, isn't it? [00:23:19] Speaker A: We could probably win it. Yeah, I mean, ogre is gonna win better podcast, obviously, so, you know, self title, but still. Alright, Grizz, Astro bots. So, dude, actually it's a game we haven't spoken about and I just really want to play it, but I just haven't had. I haven't had the time again to play games, so I haven't had a chance to play it. But apparently Astro bot is freaking wicked, man. [00:23:41] Speaker B: Is it good? [00:23:42] Speaker A: I knew it was amazing, dude, because. [00:23:43] Speaker B: The fucking Astro bot game on PlayStation, on the console was good. [00:23:48] Speaker A: Yeah, no, it just looks like a real solid platformer and it's just. Just punching really well, kind of, you know, well and truly competes with kind of like, I guess the. That Mario esque kind of thing, and it just looks really bloody good. [00:24:05] Speaker B: Creative platformer. [00:24:07] Speaker A: Creative platformer, exactly. So they've got a free dlc, I believe, that's coming out, which will bring new speedrun levels and ten new special bots to rescue from this fall. So the bots being, you know, generally PlayStation characters or from other games franchises, you know, they've got the blood borne guy in there. They've got freaking kratos. They've got, you know, who else is worth talking about? [00:24:36] Speaker B: Born. I picture the blood borne guys in there. [00:24:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I said that. [00:24:40] Speaker B: What did you fuck? Yeah, blood borne. [00:24:43] Speaker A: Yeah, but. And, yeah, so, I mean, I don't know if you see the memes, but like, everyone's saying this is, this is bloodborne too, basically. Because anything we're gonna fucking get. [00:24:54] Speaker B: The only time, only way you're gonna get bloodborne on ps five is remastered. 60 frames per second is through Astro bot. [00:25:01] Speaker A: Exactly. So look, you know, it still looks pretty good. So anyways, I mean, we're going to get a dlC, which I think is pretty freaking pretty neat. Now, the next thing that was announced, Grizz, was the next ghost of. I'm going to say ghost the Tsushima two, but it's a brand new title. We'll get to that in a second. Anyways, the second iteration of Ghost of Tsushima was. Was announced, and I don't know if you. Did you play the first one, grizzly? [00:25:26] Speaker B: No, I haven't played it, dude, even though you told me how fucking sick it was, dude. [00:25:30] Speaker A: Oh my God, it is so good. It like, just cinematic freaking beauty and just a really well put together open world. Never finished it because I don't finish many games, but wow, what a game. Anyways, they've got to the next one called ghosts of Yutai and yes, features. [00:25:48] Speaker B: They didn't go with ghosts of Tsushima number two cat. They've just enabled it, named it something different. Now, is it still set in the same universe time period, cap, or is it a little bit off? [00:26:02] Speaker A: So it's a bit after the first game. I don't know exactly how far. I imagine reasonably far. So the first game takes place around about the time that the Mongols were kind of making their way through Asia and wherever else. This game has flintlock rifles in it, which would suggest to me it's significantly further along in the timeline. So it's one thing that happens in the trailer is towards the end, you see that the new protagonist, who is a female, by the way, awesome, fires a gun. And so, yeah, there's obviously some. Some different stuff there. She basically looks like they're, I don't know, maybe like a blade for hire kind of, but I couldn't quite tell what the whole kind of, you know, what they're kind of doing in the trailer, so. But there's a moment where they're talking to a wolf or some shit. And so I know in the first game there was some parts along the way where, you know, you kind of breached into the mythology, kind of japanese mythology realm. And so obviously I think they might be addressing that a little bit in this game, which would be great because, you know, there's some interesting stuff that came out with the original ghost game where you could. Then they released a patch that basically enabled multiplayer. And part of that was doing like raids with multiplayer and mythological raids. [00:27:25] Speaker B: Dang. Are we gonna see this out of the box for this second one, cap, do you think? We'll see? [00:27:30] Speaker A: Well, I think realistically, if you have put that in your original game, I mean, albeit through a patch, I would imagine that you would probably make that the minimum bar for your next game, but I guess we'll see, right? [00:27:44] Speaker B: So, yeah, I guess you've probably done most of the hard work in terms of coding and stuff to make it happen, but. [00:27:51] Speaker A: Yeah, well, let's just designing it. You know, I know that you were. [00:27:55] Speaker B: Very impressed, Cap, with the polishedness. Even though it's not a word of ghosts. Out of the box. Looked pretty. Had some cool mechanics. Yeah. This is obviously a PS five release, so we're going to see it released on that hardware. I know we've spoken this a long time ago and before, but talking about making games so that they can run on older generations of the PlayStation, do you think this will skip that and give us something that's dramatically more beautiful and pretty to announce just to run on the PlayStation five? [00:28:29] Speaker A: I don't know for sure, but it does say coming to PS five next year, which kind of implies to me maybe it's not coming to PS four at all. Sound like that? So I don't know. They tend to be fairly like coming to PS four, ps five these days. So, yeah, I'm hoping that probably not, but has. [00:28:49] Speaker B: Has Ghosts of Shima got a PC release cap? [00:28:53] Speaker A: It does, yeah, it received a PC release probably a few months back. And it was just after the. What was that, really? Helldivers came out. It was probably a month or so. Hell divers came out, which was earlier in the year, so. Yeah, but either way, I think. I think this looks amazing and it's, you know, we kind of heard rumors that we knew that they were working on another ghost game and whatnot. But, yeah, rumors kind of came out. One thing that happened around the same time, Grizz, and, I mean, it started a lot of shits talking and stirring, but before, actually. So the timeline of events was the state of play was announced that. And that was announced, you know, maybe a week before the actual date of the state of play or whatever. And then the day before the state of play happened, Ubisoft basically cancelled all of their, like, pre release stuff for Assassin's Creed Shadows, which is another assassin's Creed game, but it's set in Japan, right. Trailers that came out were kind of open to mixed kind of feedback from and criticism from, you know, watchers and viewers. Anyways, so the kind of general consensus was that somehow they found out about, you know, I guess ghosts of Ytai and ghosts of Yotai looks fucking awesome. And is the game set in Japan? And they were kind of like, we're gonna get compared to this game and it's gonna suck. And we need to basically put this back into the furnace for a bit more time. So they've since, after pulling all that down, they've then said that the game is going to be delayed until, I think, early next year. So it's going to give it another few months just to polish it up. [00:30:37] Speaker B: It's really interesting, that decision, cap, because, you know, you think about Horizon forbidden West, or both Horizon games, for example, I feel like they both knew they were coming up against the olden ring game and battles gate three. The decision was made somewhere there to just go, nah, we're just going to release it. We're proud of it. We believe in it. But to see Assassin's Creed devs pull back potentially based on that decision, maybe they haven't got faith in it, cap. Maybe they're, man, questioning themselves a bit. [00:31:07] Speaker A: There's a lot of shit going on at Ubisoft, and, like, you know, they've had, like, a few games really not performed very well. Like, Skull and Bones just did not perform very well. [00:31:19] Speaker B: It was bad, wasn't it? [00:31:20] Speaker A: You know, the. The more recent Star Wars Outlaws game has been, you know, some people having fun with it, but it seems like the general consensus is that game is kind of pretty shit and just not fun. So, you know, they've had some pretty poor releases recently. And I think the CEO was recently noted saying, you know, AAA games are held to, like, a much higher standard or they have to be better than they used to have to be basically, which is. I find that quite a hilarious statement. [00:31:54] Speaker B: To make because on Twitter. [00:31:57] Speaker A: Yeah. And, like, the implication there is that I can't remember exactly how they word it was like, they can't be mediocre anymore. [00:32:07] Speaker B: It was, it was blaming it also on the consumer saying that because we have our. We're only going to play these amazing games that are, you know, fit for us. That, that, yeah. Where you, something can be developed that looks amazing and great, but we're not going to play it. But then someone commented on this tweet cap and said it was like. And put a clip of vampire survivors. [00:32:36] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, 100%. And that game's huge. This is, the thing is, like, I think, and we've spoken about a few times, but, you know, these projects just become so bloated and, you know, there's just so many leeches attached to this big kind of, like, corporate ball of, you know, artistic design. And it just fails, like, more often than not these days because they can't, they can't, they can't get their shit together within that defined period of time anymore. You know, Ubisoft is really, I think, really suffering. Like, their stock prices are the lowest it's ever been in a very long time. And I, mmm, you know, it's, it's, it's not looking pretty good. So I think. I think, you know, they rely so heavily on Assassin's creed as well in their, you know, release till release, and it's probably, like, their one vessel that they consider to be a fairly sure bet. And I think they're just really worried that they don't want to rock that boat too hard. And I think, you know, ghosts of. [00:33:35] Speaker B: Yoga, they had one that has hit cap in recent times. Has there been, you know, I know Valhalla was. Was claimed as just being too. Too bloaty. Too much, not enough, look too much. [00:33:48] Speaker A: I think the last, like, universally well received one was odyssey, but even then, I think that was bloated like, as fuck. I think ever since they shifted to the whole rpg afired Assassin's Creed stuff, like, it's just been like the classic Ubisoft checklist, like, open world checklist, tick the box, fucking, you know, rpg bloatfest, I think they're pretty fucking horrible these days. I used to love the assassin's Creed franchise, and the turning point for me was origins, and that was the one set in Egypt, and it just, it just took the, like, the. The nuance out of the story for me. And I it took out the. I know. I know that a lot of people felt like the. The back in time narrative against the, you know, assassins and templars in the current day thing. You know, that was kind of getting a little bit tired. And I kind of agree, but at least those games seem to be a bit more about like, hey, we're going to go back to a point in time and explore some events that happened around that time, whereas now it just feels like this really weird mishmash of like, oh, we're kind of going to tell a story about, like, maybe some things that kind of happen and we'll kind of touch on shit, but then also we're gonna have, like, mythology shit randomly going on now and things just kind of don't really make any sense anymore. And then again, we've got all this weird rpg systems that just don't really make you feel like an assassin anymore because you have to level your guy up. And it's just all this bullshit where, as in the early days of title, be an assassin. [00:35:22] Speaker B: I know, anymore. It's fucking. What is it? [00:35:25] Speaker A: Yeah, it's just identity. I think it really has. [00:35:28] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, I played the original first couple, and the original one being where you were, like, it was almost like a science fiction game to me. Dude, you, like, enter these memories and go play people from. From history and. And see how their life played out. And I found that. I remember my dad was watching over my shoulder, and he was like. He was, like, quite intrigued in the story. He was like, yeah. And I don't know, I just. I feel like it never really captured me again. I did jump in and play, I think, black flag because I love the look of the water in that game. And I was like, this is fucking cool, man. [00:36:03] Speaker A: I mean, black flag was a. Was a cracker as well. I mean, and that was kind of like number four, I guess, because that came out after number three, I believe. But, yeah, as soon as I started the rpg stuff, so. But, yeah, anyways, as a little side quest there effectively. Yeah, I think. I think things that Ubisoft are looking really fucking Grimda, basically. I know. I'm really. It's gonna be really interesting to see what happens that company next five years big time. [00:36:31] Speaker B: Yep. [00:36:32] Speaker A: So, yeah. All right, moving along. Grizz Horizon, Zero dawn is getting remaster. Dude, when did that freaking game come out? Dude, came out, dude, isn't it? [00:36:46] Speaker B: I mean, what are they remastering? [00:36:49] Speaker A: It came out in 2017. [00:36:52] Speaker B: What are they remastering? What are we getting? Take advantage of the PS five parent features now cap. We know now. And I think it's in the run sheet, maybe, but a PS five pro is coming. Is this some of this stuff coming through? [00:37:07] Speaker A: Yes, I think partially, yeah, I think. I think it's just kind of leveraging this new ps five and. Yeah, I mean, we'll have a bit more of a chat about the whole idea of a new PS five because, I mean, in all honesty, I think it's a big load of shit, but it's kind of just more reasons to buy that PS five pro or just kind of give people this sense of fomo, I think, and being like, I have to have the brand new PS four to play this, you know, Horizon Zero dawn game that I never even finished the first time in the remastered mode because, you know, that's really important. So I don't know, it's. [00:37:43] Speaker B: I mean, the first one was fucking great, dude. From what I played. I just. I don't know. I mean, I feel like they probably deserved a lot more acclaim than what they received. But that was partly because they released these games just at a bad time. [00:37:58] Speaker A: Yes, I think came out at the same time as breath of the wild from memory. [00:38:05] Speaker B: That's right, it did. [00:38:06] Speaker A: I think. Yeah, but, yeah, look, I mean, this is going to be coming out with. What's this? A host of technological improvements, visual enhancement, upgraded features, also includes the photos and wilds content of arse expansion featuring Yadda yadda blah blah blah blah. Now, I mean, is this a paid thing or what's the go? So. Okay, hang on. For existing owners, you can complete, you can upgrade to the digital version of the remaster for 999. I mean, that's bad, in my opinion. That's on PC as well. [00:38:36] Speaker B: You know, that might, that might get you to replay that game if you've played it before, maybe knowing that you get a remastered version of give it a whirl. [00:38:45] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm not, I'm not. [00:38:46] Speaker B: I'm actually. [00:38:47] Speaker A: I'm actually okay with that. I'm glad that we don't have to, like, buy a brand new freaking game, but, uh, yeah, for ten, I mean, that's USD, so, I mean, what's that, like 15, $16? So, um. Yeah, and look, that's for steam as well. So if you bought the game, if you bought the original, um, kind of because they released it on PC, if you buy the upgrade, it'll cost you roughly that much. So, yeah, that's okay, is what it is. I mean, I think, you know, because what is it? Forbidden west came out and that was, you know, obviously a reasonable kind of tick along in terms of the graphical kind of sense. [00:39:24] Speaker B: So, yeah, nice. [00:39:25] Speaker A: And, yeah, so anyways, there you bloody go. Now, they also mentioned that you're going to have the option to pre order Horizon adventures, which is the lego, uh, thing that they're doing, which, um, is bloody wild. Um, so there you go. Uh, so the Ps five pro is launching on November 7, which is about a month away. Um, so they're adding a big list of shit that you can do on that. On that. In terms of like, enhanced games, I believe so. Um, have they got a list of all this stuff? No, this is a bunch of, like, they've had. Man. This is another thing that just pisses me off. They've had like, all these fucking CEO's and technical directors and people just like, have, like, they've got this blog post about the Ps five pro and it's just always fucking boffins talking about, you know, how good the PS five pro is going to be. And it's like, get off it. Like, just. Just make good games for the current thing that still is. It's only halfway through the freaking parent, like, generation, you know? [00:40:38] Speaker B: And how much is it gonna cost, cap? It's like over a grand, isn't it? [00:40:41] Speaker A: A billion? You're gonna have to be. Yeah, it's. It's a lot of money. It's. It's. Yeah, it's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Just by PC for that money. [00:40:51] Speaker B: But what do we buy this PS five pro? What does it. What is it? Do we actually know the specs? What does it say here? [00:40:56] Speaker A: Well, where are we? Shall we just. Shall we just dive into it and then we'll quickly dive back out? Hang on. [00:41:04] Speaker B: Sure. [00:41:05] Speaker A: Oh, no. Memento. Perfect. Do I have the stats here? Probably. Probably. Maybe not. Wait, do I. What the frick, Chris? Swear I did? [00:41:18] Speaker B: Well, I've got what they are, but I don't know how to compare it to the current ps five. [00:41:25] Speaker A: $699. What's that? Um, was it like a grand USD to a. And. Yeah, I mean, this is. Without even thinking about taxes, right? So that's $1,000, $1,012.13 australian cents. And I would estimate with import tax and the rest of it you'd be at least looking at, which is a lot of money for a console. I don't know. Like, is that a lot of money? I can't even remember what the original one was. [00:41:57] Speaker B: I think it was about $1,000 for the original one. Wasn't it? [00:42:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Lama. Whoa. [00:42:08] Speaker B: Did you guys lose cap? Can't hear you, cap. [00:42:11] Speaker A: Sorry. Yeah, I'd actually tap my don't talk button. Yeah. Llama in chat is saying 1.3 australian grand dollars potentially, which. That's a lot of spondoolies. That's a lot. [00:42:24] Speaker B: It's a couple of bucks. [00:42:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Freaking yikes. And may I say, it doesn't even have a disk drive. [00:42:33] Speaker B: So the cpu is the same as the PS five, cap. [00:42:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:42:37] Speaker B: So is the SSD speed. But the gpu has a 67% more computing cores and 28% faster ram with 45% faster rendering. So, yeah, some GPU. [00:42:53] Speaker A: Yeah. See, the other part of all this is grizz. Like, a lot of games just won't make the most of it anyway. And like, when. When they tell you these numbers as well, it's like, you know the cause and all this other shit, it's like, there's also, like, other bottlenecks that just basically will mean that your system doesn't work at 68%. It's not gonna be 68%. Better take that much for free. You'd be very lucky to even enclose to that. And again, the other part of this is like, a lot of these games need to be basically retrofitted to make the most out of it anyway, so, you know, and a lot of. I don't know, I think it's all big load of shit. [00:43:31] Speaker B: So Jim's also said, not having a disk drive annoys me. I believe it's like an extra $160 for a disk drive. But someone else I spoke to today at work was whinching about this as well, Jim, because they also are a. They like to have the physical, you know, take the CD out of the box, put it in the machine. Yeah, looks like that is now an aftermarket thing that you've got to get fucking in your consoles. It's not like a standard we come with the disk drive thing. [00:43:57] Speaker A: I think, like, I care less and less about that these days, but I do totally, like, support maintaining those drives because I think a lot of people do like to have them, right. Especially when people are buying collectors editions or the rest of it. I mean, realistically, like, I couldn't even tell you the last time I bought a CD. I think the last time I did that was probably Final Fantasy seven, rebirth, and man, that game was fucking mid. It was pretty average. Played a lot of it, but, God, looking back on it. Yeah, anyways, that's probably enough. [00:44:26] Speaker B: Yeah, look, I used to have all my shit on display, but I just. I don't know, like, got the room to do that anymore. So, yeah, I'm full digital now, too. [00:44:35] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. So, I mean, a lot of that comes from just using steam a lot, I guess, but. So, look, there was a poll that was done by push square, and people, people, they'll basically ask, do you think the PS five pro is too expensive? And people 60. 60% said yes. It's an absurd price point. And 39% said yes, too expensive. And then the rest was. It's hard to say until I see more. So, basically, 5% of people said that, 4% said no. I think the price is okay, 3% said no. It's gonna be well worth the cost. [00:45:15] Speaker B: So, um. Yeah, cap, what do you think of these customizable colors that you can see, mate, of these consoles? Did you like that? Think that's cool? [00:45:24] Speaker A: I actually did quite like that. I thought they looked pretty cool. Um, so you can. [00:45:30] Speaker B: If you haven't seen them, there's these chroma collection of consoles, and it's kind of like, well, you know, if you. [00:45:36] Speaker A: Don'T know the COVID Yeah, they're the. [00:45:39] Speaker B: Covers, but they're like, uh, like kind of blue, purple with a change, with whatever way you're looking at them. [00:45:45] Speaker A: They kind of remind me of, like, you know, in need for speed underground. You can get, like those, like, weird pearlescent chrome, like, paint jobs on your cars. It kind of looks like that, but, yeah, they look pretty sick, in my opinion, but do actually look pretty cool. [00:45:59] Speaker B: I do like that. [00:46:00] Speaker A: So they've got the PS five covers for the pro as well, I believe. And you can also buy a matching color for the Dualsense wireless controller. And. Yeah. So there you go. Now, where are we, Chris? October's PlayStation monthly games. Gonna be WWE 2024, two K 24. Doki Doki Literature Club, which is a fucking. [00:46:31] Speaker B: I've been playing, dude. Isn't that like a fucking horror anime game or something? You know what I'm thinking of, man? [00:46:37] Speaker A: Doki Doki is wild. It's like a dating. It's like a dating. It's like a dating thing, but then it just goes unhinged very quickly, but then it gets really creepy. There's some weird shit that happens. I don't want to say too much because it kind of ruins the game, but there's things in that game that happens that I don't know how you're going to do that on a ps five or a console, because. [00:47:02] Speaker B: Oh, really? [00:47:03] Speaker A: It breaks the force. [00:47:04] Speaker B: What do you mean? It's a video game. [00:47:05] Speaker A: I know, but that's all I can say without ruining the game is like, there's some shit that happens that makes. [00:47:11] Speaker B: You go like it's, someone enters my room or something. It starts talking to me. [00:47:14] Speaker A: Yes, yes. Look, not far off. Like, it's fucking. [00:47:19] Speaker B: My dog Kevin just starts having a. [00:47:22] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. You're gonna put this thing on your dog's collar and then. Yeah, but, uh, yes, you're gonna get that. And you're also gonna get dead space. I actually, I think I copped Dead Space somewhere else recently. Is that coming of game pass or something? But yeah, anyways, I don't know how they're going to do that. I mean, basically, I'm just going to take, you play this game. There's one point where I can't remember exactly what happens, but basically you go into the game files and there's all these notes that's been left in your game files by one of the people that you're fucking dating. And it is like, it's hectic. It's kind of like, I remember when it happened, I was like, oh, this is fucking weird. I actually got like, does it tell you that? [00:48:06] Speaker B: Does it tell you to go and look in the game files? Or. [00:48:09] Speaker A: Yeah, it kind of implies it. And, and yeah, I can't remember exactly the reason you end up going in there. But yeah, there's all these text files in there with, like, shit that have happened. And I was just like, dang that. [00:48:23] Speaker B: But yeah, I wonder whether those text files are in there when you install the game or whether they get put in there when you reach that point of the game. [00:48:31] Speaker A: I think they just get generated as you go. So, you know, because from memory, there was some things in those files that were dependent on, like, decisions I made, stuff in the game. And, yeah, like, there's other things that happened where, like, the main character from memory and maybe I'm talking out my ass, but, like, the character is like, mega possessive of you and then tries to, like, overwrite your save file as well. Like, just all this shit happens is. [00:49:02] Speaker B: It's crazy. That's cool. [00:49:03] Speaker A: It's a cool guy. Really cool guy. Because, I mean, on the surface it just looks like a really lame, like, you know, anime dating animated game. [00:49:10] Speaker B: Yeah, but, like, I remember watching it when it first came out and saw some stuff, but it's just like some pretty wacky shit happens. [00:49:19] Speaker A: Yeah, it's pretty cracker. Yes. There you go. Now also, Alan Wake two is getting a expansion and, um, which is pretty cool. Uh, so there's a new eerie location in Cauldron Lake. Um, you're going to be doing a bunch of stuff for the FBC, which is the Federal Bureau of Control. And. Yeah, looks pretty cool. Um, they also released some footage of a game called Archeage Chronicles, which kind of looks like the black desert online engine and just like an rpg strapped to it like a, you know, Alex Claire RPG. [00:49:54] Speaker B: Looks quite cool, dude. Yeah, like, does look like black does desert, doesn't it? Big time. [00:49:59] Speaker A: I think it is by the same developers if it's the one I'm thinking of, but. Yeah. So there you go. I'm going to skip over a couple of these because, I mean. I mean, I got to be honest, I don't know. Like, everyone seems to be getting real fucking excited about this dragon age game I read. Looks like fucking shit. Looks boring. Really? I think it looks fucking average as hell. So, anyways, maybe I'll. [00:50:22] Speaker B: You're pretty good. Pretty good. Good at preempting this shit. Actually, I'm looking at it now, cap, and I'm with you. [00:50:28] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know, I just, like, everyone was like, man, this is the Dragon age I've been waiting for. And I was like, it looks like a very dumbed down, you know, like one of those, like, trying to think. It almost reminded me of, like, like, eso online in the way that it gives you abilities and stuff. But then it's like, just didn't have any of the MMO stuff going for, which is kind of the whole idea of why you kind of can simplify the combat a little bit. So, I don't know, I thought it looked pretty average. Now, Dynasty warriors is getting some stuff coming. Not super interested in that fantasy, neo dimension. Don't know what that is. Fear the spotlight, some random horror game. We're getting a freaking Fortnite controller. Now. Hell is us is a brand new game coming to ps five, Grizz. It is very interesting looking. Have you seen the trailer for this hell is us? [00:51:24] Speaker B: No, I do. I have not. No. [00:51:27] Speaker A: Right. So the way I'm going to pitch this to you is imagine death stranding mixed with stranger things without the kind of, like, less so the, like, eighties aesthetic and kind of, like, humor, but more so just kind of the feel of an atmosphere, and then mix that with, like, a soul spawn, effectively. [00:51:53] Speaker B: Oh, sounds pretty good to me, cap. [00:51:57] Speaker A: Interesting. It's got a lot of similar weird elements, but there's kind of, like, this paranormal stuff. And your character seems to have, like, one of these little weird over the back things that, uh, you know, the character in stranding has. [00:52:07] Speaker B: Cap, did you play Soul Reaver back in the day, mate? [00:52:11] Speaker A: I didn't play Soul Reaver, but Legacy of Cain. Yeah, legacy play those. [00:52:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:52:17] Speaker A: Pretty keen for this. Uh, the announcement of this one and. [00:52:21] Speaker B: One or two remaster. I can't remember when these first came out, but it must have been early on. That were good games, dude. So this could be. Could be interesting. See a remaster. [00:52:31] Speaker A: But it seems like the remasters done a really good job of, you know, like, upscaling everything and making it look real schmicko. A lot of improvements like camera upgrades, you know, the way that the game looks. [00:52:43] Speaker B: So let's be honest, it still looks like freaking garbage. I'm trying to be nice about it. It's. [00:52:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, it's hard because, like, I suppose you kind of have to try and bridge this gap between try. [00:53:00] Speaker B: I don't know, like, came to around a remaster and a remake. Right? Yeah, they obviously kept the same engine and stuff. They've just kind of done things to make it look a bit prettier. [00:53:11] Speaker A: Yeah. I tell you what, though. Like, some of the new enemy models and stuff are, like, pretty big improvements. Like, it's, uh. You know, you can. You can see some of those comparison shots. Like, some of the bosses are literally like, I don't know, they're like, small indie game kind of level graphics, which not in the sense that, like, it's more so, you know, when you get those games that come out more recently and they kind of try and go for, like, the old ps two aesthetic, but then they give kind of, like, the, you know, they kind of that level. So I think it looks pretty good. Like, it's kind of nice to see them remaster it in this way because I guess they're probably never going to remake the games, per se, but, you know, kind of getting this stage, I mean, it looks pretty cool. So I think people pretty. Pretty stoked with it. I'm going to skip over a couple of these. It looks like Metro awakening is getting a P's via release or something now. Big announcement that everyone's getting pretty jazzed about. Grizz. Is that how world is coming to PS five? And this is amid power world having had received a massive, basically been served illegal terms by the Pokemon company. [00:54:20] Speaker B: Fuck cap. All those people that were hating on us about us saying they were going to get sued. Yeah. [00:54:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, look, they are indeed. Yes. They're definitely getting sued now. The interesting thing is what are they getting sued for? We're not entirely sure. So that the. We don't know exactly what the terms of the suing is, but recent kind of like people have been trying to like stitch together like what it might be. And so people think it's probably less likely the similarities in design of the pals and probably the fact that in the last five or so years the Nintendo company painted the idea of using a ball to capture an animal design. [00:55:11] Speaker B: That I hate that it's hate patent game elements, dude. That just doesn't seem right to me. [00:55:17] Speaker A: Correct. [00:55:17] Speaker B: So it's more fact to you, capo? Nintendo have never lost a lawsuit. So. [00:55:24] Speaker A: Yeah, well, they've got a lot of money and that's how you generally tend to win lawsuits these days is. It's not, it's not whether you deserve to win, it's whether you've got enough. It's like a war of attrition. You know what I mean? You just, you just fucking out survive the other person and then eventually like they just give up because they can't afford to continue legal battles. So yeah, I don't know. It's gonna be interesting to see where this one goes, but I don't think so. From what I understand, you know, obviously, you know, patents, it's. It's a completely different ballgame. It's not like copyright infringement or whatever, but so I don't think in certain countries it will be super enforceable from what I understand. And people kind of talking about on Twitter and all the rest of it, people seem to think that in America this just won't stick. But in Japan it might be pretty rough. So. Because I mean also there's gonna be a lot of japanese company bias as well. So. Yeah, especially for IP of a japanese game, which you know, is what is so kind of shit for power world. But yeah. Anyways, there you freak out now. Stellar blade is getting a DLC and it. I think it just makes the main character look like the protagonist from Nier Automata. So there you go. There is a couple other bits, pieces. Where are we? Sonic X, Shadow generations, some random shit. And then Towers of AGS Barca. Isn't that a game that you were really keen on, grizzly? Maybe. I'm talking. [00:57:03] Speaker B: I can't remember the vibrant, gorgeous open. [00:57:07] Speaker A: World adventure towers of Agasbah provides look. [00:57:11] Speaker B: Does look quite nice, but I don't remember being super excited about it. It kind of just looks good though. [00:57:17] Speaker A: Yeah, it does look pretty cool actually. I think it looks like it looks a little bit like there's fishing in it. Yeah, it's kind of got like. It's. It's like if Arc was crossed with Shadow of the Colossus. [00:57:33] Speaker B: It looks fucking weird, doesn't it? Yeah, maybe I have seen this and thought it was cool. Yeah, does ring a bell. Yeah. [00:57:39] Speaker A: I feel like this was one that you picked out when it was first announced. Anyways. Looks pretty rad. And it's kind of crossed with a, you know, a little bit of a breath of the wild for traversing. [00:57:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:57:50] Speaker A: Kind of doing like. What's that freaking game? It's almost got the. Oh, man, I can't think of it. It's almost like Stardew, I guess, with all the, you know, farming and stuff. But in a sim three day anyways. Crazy. [00:58:05] Speaker B: Looks cool. [00:58:06] Speaker A: Crazy. Yeah, looks pretty good, but. Yeah, dude, that was pretty much. [00:58:09] Speaker B: Pretty good. [00:58:09] Speaker A: That was pretty much the bloody. The entire state of play. [00:58:12] Speaker B: So there freaking go cap our streams. Been up for an hour, by the way, mate. I don't know what we're looking like in fucking podcast time, but I think. [00:58:19] Speaker A: I think we're going to probably go through the. Oh, well, we've. We've talked about PlayStation five pro, and I think we'll go through the Nintendo direct that happened recently. And then I think we'll talk about our games and then probably skip rapid fire because I don't think there's any point. [00:58:35] Speaker B: Fuck it off. Sounds good to me, mate. [00:58:37] Speaker A: So let's do that. All right. Grizzly gaming 86. There was also an intended direct over that same time. I'm just open the thing, but I'm being redirected by google.com dot. Here we go. All right, let's go in. I'm going to just pick some out of here, grizz, cuz. [00:58:55] Speaker B: Yeah, look, I've seen your list of the ones you want to talk about. Then I've added a couple that I wanted to just quickly touch on at the end of that. Yep, absolutely. But looking good, mate. [00:59:05] Speaker A: Looking good. So the first thing I'm going to do is talk about Bellatro, because Bellatro got a reveal for the switch, which I think is rad. And they timed this nicely because I think everyone downloaded it. And then they. So part of this was also to say, hey, guys, guess what? There's some DLC coming. That's coming everywhere. So as well cap DLC free. So, yeah, they mean, yes, it's available. So that's pretty freaking cool. Now, the DLC is jokers that theme with some of their favorite franchises such as the Witcher vampire survivors. What was the other ones? There was also Dave the diver and also among us themed jokers, which I still haven't had a chance to give it a crack. But one thing I wanted to talk about, Grizz, is because in the last week or so, bilateral has come to mobile as well. [01:00:07] Speaker B: Dang, that's cool, dude. I'd consider getting it on mobile. Does it have cosplay? Do you know, captain? [01:00:13] Speaker A: No. You're gonna start again. [01:00:14] Speaker B: Ah, it kind of sucks, but. Yeah, yeah. [01:00:17] Speaker A: But still fun to have on your phone. So I bought it today, and I think this DLC is available on your phone as well. So if you haven't started again, happy days. Otherwise you could go on freaking, you know, you probably won't do it. You start again. [01:00:31] Speaker B: Yep. [01:00:31] Speaker A: So there you go. Now, there's another game here called Never Neva, and this kind of has a. So it was from the creators of the team that did Griz spelled G r I s. Not you, not your mum and dad. Your dad didn't make this game. Yeah. So it's a really interesting looking kind of platformer thing. You play as a person that has, like, a fox, I think, and you kind of are commanding yourself and the fox to do stuff, or a wolf, and you've got a sword and. But the art style is beautiful. Gorgeous. It's kind of like this was much. [01:01:15] Speaker B: Loved, wasn't it, cap people? It was rated that game, didn't they? Yeah. [01:01:19] Speaker A: A lot of it was for the amazing artwork, so, you know, they kind of carry on their legs. [01:01:25] Speaker B: Pretty awesome, too, I will say. Yeah, it's very, very nice. [01:01:29] Speaker A: It is really, really nice. Yeah. Kind of like that soft kind of silhouette kind of thing going on with, like, color. Yes. It's very hard to describe the kind of. I don't know, the aesthetic, but it's worth a check out, so. Yeah, there you go. [01:01:45] Speaker B: Yep. [01:01:45] Speaker A: Now, another game that came out as part of this grizz was a game called Mothcubit. Now, this is a very weird, bizarre looking game, but it kind of reminds me of a mix between earthbound and, like, a warioware game because there's always, like, little weird mini games going on and. But basically, you're this moth person working in this mega corporation, and you're like, there's weird things going on at the megacorporation. You got to figure out why, you know, people go missing or some shit and uncover these secrets and. Yeah, it's kind of got a similar art style to. Yeah, like, earthbound or like undertale kind of. And yeah, it looks interesting. [01:02:30] Speaker B: It gave me big undertale vibes cap, for sure. [01:02:34] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely a bit under that looks really, really cool. Now this game, Grizz, I am exceptionally keen for is called morsels. It's a top down roguelite with a rotating roster of playable characters that you can switch between play multiple runs. So now the art style, man, I can't even describe it, but it reminds me of some of those kind of late SNES games that came out and they kind of just had this particular look. But yeah, it's. It's. It looks amazing pixel art, but they've. [01:03:11] Speaker B: Kind of really loved the music as well. Capo, that they had alongside this trailer I thought was pretty, pretty cool too. Yeah, it's. [01:03:17] Speaker A: It's really, really rad. So kind of got the whole roguelike thing going on. Yeah, kind of. It's almost. It's almost in the vein of binding of Isaac, I guess, but not quite the same. [01:03:31] Speaker B: Gave me a big binding of Isaac slash undermine vibes. Where you got this top down. Looks like quite snappy movement of your character cap. You can see some bosses and other bits and pieces. Looks to be like there's a shop mechanic in there as well, which makes me think that there's probably maybe soft progression outside of each run. But, yeah, looks really, really interesting. I like the look of it. [01:03:57] Speaker A: Yeah, and it kind of follows that classic roguelite, indie roguelite thing during like, run for run, where you're obviously maybe finishing levels and then getting an option of a couple of different cards and you choose what you kind of want to go with. And yeah, it looks really neat. The art style is just phenomenal. I'm really, really keen on that. [01:04:15] Speaker B: I wonder whether it comes PC cap morsels. I wonder. Coming Feb 25 so early next year. [01:04:23] Speaker A: Yeah, there's some. Yeah, so I think this is going to be bloody excellent. The cool thing is like every now and then it looks like the game kind of changes, like, art style to like, this weird plasticity, like kind of, I don't know, all the. It just looks weird. It looks fucking crazy. Definitely worth a look. So I'm gonna check it out now. One thing that also came out, Griz, actually came out of open beta or whatever it's called. What I call it. Chris. I can't think of the name of it. [01:04:54] Speaker B: Yes. Right. Beta Alpha. [01:04:55] Speaker A: What? Beta Alpha earlier release starter Kickstarter. Kickstarter. Not Kickstarter. What can I think of the name for it? What do they call it when the game's not out yet, guys. What the hell? [01:05:09] Speaker B: Beta, right? Like, Dota's still in beta, apparently. [01:05:13] Speaker A: Yeah, fair. I can't. Unreleased. There's a name for it. Anyways. Doesn't matter. Early access. Thank you. That's what I'm looking for. Early access. I can't believe I couldn't think of that word anyways. All right, so remember that game Peggle, where you, like, fire the little ball out and you like, they kind of bounce between stuff. Imagine if that game had a full rpg system behind it, and you used the Peggle game to deal damage and heal and all the rest of it in like a medieval rpg capacity. Well, guess what, grizz? I've got the game for you. It's called Peglin. [01:05:51] Speaker B: Cap. I'm pretty sure Peglin has been out on Steam for freaking ages. [01:05:58] Speaker A: I know, and that's what I'm saying is out of early access. [01:06:02] Speaker B: Oh, it's out of early access. Yeah. I actually own this game, dude, and I've sunk. Got it in my library. Yeah, I just put some hours into this. Don't like six or 7 hours. No, I lied. I've got 2 hours. But game is fun. [01:06:14] Speaker A: I mean, you didn't sing some hours. [01:06:15] Speaker B: I suck somehow. [01:06:17] Speaker A: It is a. [01:06:18] Speaker B: It does have rogue like aspects in it as well. Yeah, so. But you're right. Yeah, so you shoot. You choose where you want to shoot your ball down and. [01:06:27] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like a pachinko machine. [01:06:30] Speaker B: Cool, though. [01:06:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:06:31] Speaker B: You like, get, like, upgrades to deal more damage and different bits and pieces. [01:06:35] Speaker A: Yeah. So it's a pretty cool idea for a game, and apparently it's going quite well on Steam, so worth a bit of. Bit of a look. Arena now, that was kind of the main ones that I pulled out of here. Grizz, was there anything that you wanted to look at in particular? [01:06:49] Speaker B: Yes. So Sea of Stars has dlc coming, Cap, which I know that was pretty popular with some people. I didn't finish it myself, but that new DLC is free to play. You'll get it if you have the game. It includes new characters, new areas, new dungeons, and some new free story content. So that was pretty cool. The other one is, there's some more Shovel Knight content coming. There is a release called Shovel Knight DX. It enriches the original game with an additional 20 playable characters, seamless online multiplayer, and a bunch of other stuff introduced in the game as well. Shovel Knight, I really enjoyed that, that release. I got it on Steam. It's a very good, fun little platformer that has some very light rpg mechanics as well. So you've shovel nuts up your alley. I thought that's something cool to check out for sure. [01:07:46] Speaker A: Yeah, 100%, mate. Yeah, no, those are the two. Looks pretty cool. [01:07:50] Speaker B: Those are the two main ones for me, though, capo. [01:07:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I think the other game looked kind of cool. Did you talk about Pico park? Did you. Did you talk about that one? [01:07:59] Speaker B: No, I didn't. No, didn't talk about. [01:08:01] Speaker A: So pick up arc is this game where it's a 2d action kind of puzzle game and you can play with two to eight players. And the whole idea is that you need to work together to, like, solve all the puzzles. And so, like, with eight people, it's like, pretty hectic. But I. But, you know, you kind of like, got a. It's like a side scrolling kind of, you know, thing and you have these little weird looking characters and, you know, they can stand on each other's heads to try and reach, you know, higher areas and stuff. So that looks like a bit of fun. Looks like a bit of fun. So here we can go. I think we're going to miss. We're going to skip the work on thing because I'll probably briefly just talk about that in my house, my game and going, same with deadlock. But I think what we will just quickly cover is the fact that Concorde, like, fucking, like, in the time that in the time that we were in hiatus, it came out and then was cancelled. [01:08:57] Speaker B: Fucking wild people that don't know because we could have been us. Maybe they went on a holiday cap and they don't know about Concord. Give it to me. What is it? It is like, it's an overwatch, like, right? [01:09:09] Speaker A: It was basically overwatch. Yeah. Kind of hero based shooter. [01:09:14] Speaker B: PlayStation exclusive, right? [01:09:16] Speaker A: It was a PlayStation exclusive. I can't remember who. Who. Who was developing the game, but it's been in development for a fair while and kind of had like a bit of a guidance of the galaxy aesthetic. And we gave it a heap of shit because we thought it kind of, you know, was a bit shit. [01:09:34] Speaker B: Yeah. Guess what trailer that they had for it. Capitan, if you remember. But it was like a CGI thing wherever I. They tried to build a bunch of lore and rapport with the characters and everything else didn't show a single bit of gameplay. In fact, we knew nothing about that game after that trailer. And both you and I were like, it just seemed a little bit weird, like, yeah, I understand a CGI trailer maybe coming from World of Warcraft or something where you've already got that lore of those characters and you're already invested in some of that story. But fresh off the bat, it just didn't hit quite right at the time. [01:10:08] Speaker A: A lot of. A lot of the strange, the humor as well was pretty forced. And yeah, I just think it was pretty average. And so anyways, obviously the game came out at a. You know, I come with the exact price point, but I think it would have been about 60 to 70 australian. US Australia dollars. Yeah, $60. And this is, you know, in a. In a. Look, this is in a stream of video gaming that tends to be free to play. And so didn't sell very well, I believe. Like on its first day, I think they maybe had like something ridiculous, like a couple of thousand like concurrent players or something pathetic. And yeah, it just did not do particularly well. And then pretty much, you know, within the weeks leading after, they basically said, look, we're going to be pulling this one down and we'll let you know what we're going to be doing with this moving forward. So. [01:10:59] Speaker B: It's crazy, man. There's a couple of articles out there that estimate how much money this game cost to make because it was fully voice acted and they invested a lot of time, obviously, because there was a. Apparently quite a large bits of lore in the game you could explore. Cap. There was like a journal that you could kind of unlock entries for. And you know, they tried to really build this universe around a game that didn't have the law set in the game. But there's some estimates in there that it was around $400 million to make over its eight year life cycle in wages and voice acting and everything else to make this game that literally was on the shelves for what, a month, two weeks? [01:11:41] Speaker A: I think I would be really surprised if they are not working on it to be free to play. Like, I would be absolutely gobsmacked if they're just willing to take that as a cut because I think, you know, obviously it'd be a fair bit of work retrofitting it to get it ready for free to play, but I just don't see how they couldn't do it. [01:12:03] Speaker B: Yeah, why couldn't they do that and then release stuff through microtransactions? But the thing is, cap, like, I don't know. To me, the actual gameplay and from what I've read, it didn't really reinvent anything. It didn't. It didn't give players a reason to play the game. So even if it's free to play, are people going to play it. I don't know. I know that after its release and people weren't buying it, captain, I remember seeing a Twitter post and they were. They were selling it for $5 at the front of JB games, trying to sell copies of this thing. [01:12:34] Speaker A: Absolutely bonk. You know, just trying to get some poor sucker to buy this game that you can't play. [01:12:39] Speaker B: Crazy. [01:12:40] Speaker A: Absolutely crazy. But yeah, look, it's obviously completely shit the bed. I still can't look, maybe we'll never hear about it ever again. Maybe not. But I'd be really surprised if we don't see it go free to play. The other thing is Grizzlake. I think it might have been the Summer Games fest or something, but there was this tv show that was announced that was basically the people who did love death and robots on Netflix, and they're doing episodes of this animated thing, but each episode is like a different game. And so, like, they've got God of war. I think they've got, like, maybe. I think they've got Warhammer, forty K, and some other games. They're doing like, episodes of these games to kind of like, show off, you know, their animation and all the rest of it. But one of the games in that was Concorde. [01:13:30] Speaker B: Oh, really? [01:13:32] Speaker A: Yeah. So I'm like, well, you still going to do that? He's still going to do that. [01:13:37] Speaker B: Well, llamas in here saying Sony's flagship game to help propel the PS five pro didn't even last the pro announcement, which is. So, look, I'm sure they had a lot of writing in this basket and. Yeah, good intentions. But, yeah, I believe the. You've already touched on this, cap, but the active play account was. I thought it was in the hundreds, so I thought it was less than a thousand on launch. [01:13:59] Speaker A: I think just looking at this, I think there's. The concurrent steam was 700. [01:14:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:14:05] Speaker A: On launch day. And I only got worse from there. [01:14:08] Speaker B: So, yeah, pretty freaking rough. [01:14:10] Speaker A: But, yeah, it's the. No, man, it's just one of those. [01:14:13] Speaker B: And look, they talk about. They talk about. I think the biggest thing here was. So apparently this game's been in development for eight years. And the business model that they applied was based on Overwatch, which was popular at the time, which is a $60 price tag on a game like this. When today it seems the monetization models that are working are a free to play game. And then you've got monetization around skins and other bits and pieces that you buy in the game. [01:14:43] Speaker A: Yeah, I think it's one of those things where these big companies just aren't poised to be able to capitalize on a new idea quick enough. [01:14:52] Speaker B: I think you put your eggs in that basket and you've almost got to. [01:14:55] Speaker A: Just, oh, look, this overwatch game is pretty popular. Let's make one of those games. It's only going to take us fucking seven years to make it. By the time you finish that project, people have moved on to the next big thing, you know what I mean? And they've, they've forgotten about hero based shooters. I mean, I. Look, there's, you know, and we'll talk about deadlock, but, you know, there's some other examples of recent ones that have been, you know, a bit of a, you know, like a success. But, you know, if you just can't iterate enough on it to the point where you're providing a product that is actually interesting and giving people something new to experience, I mean, people just aren't going to really give a shit unless you can pump it out as quickly as possible after that first lightning strike moment with another game. You know what I mean? It just wasn't quick enough. [01:15:41] Speaker B: Yeah. Are we going to talk about deadlock, cap? We've got time to talk about deadlock. [01:15:45] Speaker A: Yeah, 100%. I think what we're going to do now, Grizz, is I'm going to play this thing and I want you to tell me, Grizzly gave me 86. How's your day? [01:15:55] Speaker B: Do you want me to start, mate, or what? [01:15:57] Speaker A: All right. Yeah, you go. [01:15:59] Speaker B: Okay. [01:16:00] Speaker A: I'm going to lean back in my chair. [01:16:01] Speaker B: Oh, lean back, Cap. [01:16:03] Speaker A: Relaxed. [01:16:05] Speaker B: I actually thought about grabbing a tequila to sip on for tonight, but I just ran out of time, walked to the door, ate some nando's, and haven't even actually have not even said hello to my kids yet since I've been home from work. Yeah, that's how fucking bad that is. [01:16:18] Speaker A: I walked in the door and made a beast. Strong enough. But anyways. [01:16:21] Speaker B: Did you shit. That's pretty good bet. [01:16:24] Speaker A: Really good. [01:16:25] Speaker B: Cap. I have been playing some video gaming, which has been great here and there. [01:16:30] Speaker A: Yeah, brother. [01:16:30] Speaker B: Very casually, mind you, but my battles gate three, playthrough. Cap is still going for honor mode. [01:16:39] Speaker A: Damn. Shit. So what do you, where are you at now? [01:16:43] Speaker B: We are in the final act now. We're all max level. [01:16:47] Speaker A: What have you done in the final? [01:16:49] Speaker B: We just killed the dragon under the prison. [01:16:51] Speaker A: Oh, shit. How was that as a fight? Because that was faking. [01:16:56] Speaker B: Hectic. [01:16:57] Speaker A: Yes. [01:16:57] Speaker B: In fact, the only reason why we passed that fight was I had just got the spell for my wizard, which is the globe of invulnerability, because he does this thing where he goes into phase two in. I don't know whether this is the same or normal, but in honor mode, in auto mode, every time, every time you attack him, he reacts once per his turn and does this big aoe lightning. Then when you get him down to a certain threshold, he flies up in the air and starts channeling this big fucking area of effect thing that just wipes you. So we've got. Did you have this global invulnerability cap when you played or not? Do you know what I'm talking about? [01:17:36] Speaker A: I had. I had scrolls of it. [01:17:39] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. So the thing with wizards is you can only get it in scroll form, but with wizards, you can learn from scrolls. So my wizard has been able to learn it. Gail, I've been able to learn globe of invulnerability. [01:17:53] Speaker A: That's a fucking broken spell. [01:17:55] Speaker B: Yeah, you put it on you. It's a constant concentration spell. And anything in it is invulnerable. And I mean anything. So much funny is this, dude, we had two of our party members that got downed. So I was like, yeah, this is sick. I'm gonna put a global invulnerability on and then throw a potion at them so that I would revive them. Well, the potion is invulnerable when it enters the globe of invulnerability so it doesn't break, so it didn't heal them. Fucking landed on the floor. [01:18:21] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. That's crazy. I've been using that spell in, what do you call it, in scroll form for the final battle. And just like, oh, yeah, I just put my character. I just, like, my character was partially, you know, the tentacle person. And then so they. I just got them to drink a haste potion, and they just, like, zipped across to the very end and then drop you invulnerability down and then basically finish the fight. And, like, three moves. [01:18:55] Speaker B: Yeah, it's very strong. I actually think. I personally think. I don't know what the last few encounters are because honor mode adds all these crazy fucking things to the fights and the bosses get legendary actions. But I feel like we're through the worst of it now. Like, we had moments that have definitely been touch and go and, you know, we've had a couple of fights where there's one person left in the party with no hit points and alberta able to clutch something out. But, yeah, I'm really. It's. I actually do honestly feel like it will be a one of the top gaming achievements for me. So it's cool, man. [01:19:29] Speaker A: And you'll have the golden dice to show it. [01:19:31] Speaker B: We'll get the golden dice, mate. Not modded into the game. Well, who knows? I will endeavor to finish it. I think maybe two sessions left to finish the game. [01:19:40] Speaker A: Wow. [01:19:40] Speaker B: We'll see how we go. That's exciting, dude. It's pretty wicked, cap. The other thing I've been doing is I've been playing Diablo four again. Pick that game back up because. Well, actually, because Mikey. I saw Mikey has been playing it and essentially on the 8 October I thought it could be something good for the run sheet, but it's too fucking late. The zero zero four DLC drops as well as alongside the new season. Is it October next week? [01:20:10] Speaker A: Yeah, this like actually a week from. [01:20:12] Speaker B: Today I'll actually be away, unfortunately, offshore. So I won't be able to play till I return. But on release of that, it's a new character as well as a new region and a bunch of new story as well as a fresh new season, I think. Now if you like many playoff war on release and looking for an excuse to get back into the game, I actually have been quite enjoying replaying it because there's a bunch of stuff they've done that make playing season a little more rewarding. An example of that is if you log into your old soft core character when the season starts, it'll unlock all the statues of Lilith and all the reputation on the seasonal character so you don't have to rego and do all that. It also has seasonal leaderboards. They finally got this up and running. So the late game, there is a leaderboard system tied to your region as well, plus the new content that's coming. So I'm actually quite looking forward to jumping into that. My clan is still up and running, so if you want to return or join, you're more than welcome to come and join me on Discord or Twitter or something and you can come join us. But yeah, so that's. I've just so cap, I don't know if you remember, dude, but I only played exclusively hardcore when the game dropped. Yeah, my character died and I was like, fuck it. So for me to prep for a soft core character in the next dlc, I've had to level one of those up. So I've got a level 60 druid that I've been just kind of cruising along playing. I've unlocked all the statues of Lilith and all the reputation stuff in the region. So I'm pretty much ready to go for the season drop, which is cool. And I'll look forward to playing that on the 8th, mate. [01:21:54] Speaker A: Oh, awesome, man. Yeah, well, I think you also get it free on game pass now. So, I mean, if people want to give it a crack as well, I think it's game pass available. So. [01:22:04] Speaker B: Yeah, that's interesting, Cap. I do wonder about zero zero four, because I know that for Diablo three, it was quite a slow burn for people to start playing that game, especially the seasons. But I think it was one of those games for me in the end that every now and then I'd be like, hey, I'm going to play this season. I'll jump in and I'll level a character up and do the seasonal journey and fuck around in there. So, you know, I'm hoping that eventually zero zero four gets there. I know when I first played, it was a bit hollow, but maybe through time. Looks like they've already implemented leaderboard system and other bits and pieces that might bring me back in. So. Yeah, see. See how it goes. Yeah. [01:22:39] Speaker A: Very, very freaking rad, dude. Any other video games, mate? [01:22:44] Speaker B: Only Dota, which I've been playing since the international little bit with some friends. Just slowly just, you know, playing that having a good time was a good, fun PvP experience. That's pretty much it, Cap. But I haven't touched my steam deck for a while, and I am looking to download some new games on that before I go away offshore next week. So if anyone in chat, or yourself, cap, have got any good recommendations for games that I haven't played on the steam deck, let me know. [01:23:13] Speaker A: All right, well, I'll. I can. I can let you know right now if you like. [01:23:18] Speaker B: Go. How's your game going, Cap? Give it to me, man. I'd let me know, please. [01:23:22] Speaker A: All right, so I played a lot of different video games since, you know, in three months. You know, I know I talk about how I don't really have much time to game and I don't, but I try and squeeze as much as I possibly can in here and there, and I still am pretty interested in plans for games. [01:23:38] Speaker B: Lying in your bed, on your back with your fucking headset on, that is. I need to see a photo of this cat. That is. Yeah. [01:23:45] Speaker A: So I need to get a photo of me doing it, but for my birthday, I got a meta deck three. And what's it called? Not. Is that what a meta. [01:23:55] Speaker B: What the fuck is it called? [01:23:58] Speaker A: I got meta quest three. Not a meta deck. [01:24:01] Speaker B: Meta quest. [01:24:01] Speaker A: Excuse me, I'm tired. So I got a meta quest three. And so I've been playing some random stuff on there. Like I downloaded Half life three Alex, and I've been streaming that from my PC onto my quest three. And that's been amazing. Really, really cool. Playing some native experiences on there as well. Just some games that you can get through there. But one of the things I've been doing is I've been streaming my desktop computer through my headset and using a wireless keyboard, mouse in bed and playing games. So just to give you an idea of a couple of things I've been doing is I recently bought the new wow expansion and I've been given that a real crack arena and I've been playing that. [01:24:40] Speaker B: Just quickly, cap, just quickly before you jump into this, does the meta quest have headphones? [01:24:46] Speaker A: Yes. [01:24:47] Speaker B: Okay. It does. If Mia talks to you, can you hear it? [01:24:51] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Because it's like open ear headphones. It's quite cool actually. Yeah. So you can still hear, but yeah. [01:24:59] Speaker B: So expansion, are you doing some mythics or. [01:25:02] Speaker A: Not yet. I've just been making my way through the quest line so far and there's a lot to do because I tend to do the completionist do absolutely every single quest line I can see when it comes to the new wow expansion. So I've been slowly making my way through there. So yeah, basically what I've been doing is I've been streaming my desktop computer to my headset and playing wow in bed on my headset with a wireless keyboard and mouse. And it is pretty bloody good, might I say. May I say, is there any lag. [01:25:36] Speaker B: Dude, is there any lag doing that? [01:25:37] Speaker A: Look, bugger all. You can definitely go and do your dailies. I probably wouldn't do like rating or anything on my headset in bed, but definitely good enough to go and just do some quests, go and knock some stuff out, you know, pretty low key stuff. So been having a lot of fun with that. But yeah, I've been really enjoying the wow expansion. It's been pretty crazy. I can't see myself doing any major mythics or raiding or anything. I think I'm probably just going to finish the quest line and I'll probably put it down until I can be bothered picking it back up again. So I thought, dude, that I would. [01:26:11] Speaker B: Like to play some wow again. I kind of like the idea of just slowly working through some mythics and fucking keys and doing shit. [01:26:20] Speaker A: Yeah, I think I had that intention as well. But now I've just got all this random shit on the go where I'm kind of like, I probably would like to go and maybe knock a few of these things off. So to kind of wind this all the way back is black myth. Wukong came out in that time and I progressed a reasonable amount of the way through that. That game has been a lot of fun. Definitely less soul than I expected it to be. It's probably a little bit closer to God of war, but with a bit of like, there's a bit more of a difficulty curve there. So. But it feels good. It's very linear, but it still feels pretty good. So if you're into something along those lines, I can highly recommend a bit of black myth Wukong. Now, the other thing I played along this, this kind of, this three months hiatus, I downloaded deadlock and gave that a bit of a crack. Now this is that new Valve shooter game that's kind of like a mix between like a hero based shooter dota. But yeah, it's, it's really fucking good. And I wish I had more time to play this game and just a bit more like brainpower after work to play competitive games. I just don't at the moment. [01:27:29] Speaker B: Valve have got the recipe cap and they've applied it to an Overwatch like game. And I think they've also done a very good job, cap at managing this pre release cycle. So it's not like the game isn't just available for you to go and play. Right? They're doing it in periods. [01:27:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:27:51] Speaker B: So you can only play the game during a certain period in a certain region. There's only select keys, although I think it's quite easy to get a key. But it seems to have built quite a hype around it. Streamers playing Twitch and other bits and pieces and seems to be very well received so far. [01:28:08] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. It seems to be doing really well. So, you know, my time with it, I've been really enjoying the heroes and like getting a feel for the game. I've been tending to sort of trend towards the more kind of like tankier heroes. But, but yeah, it's, it's a really interesting feeling game. I think with a little bit more balance and stuff, it's going to be an absolute ripper. And I'm really, I just think the game is ingenious because it kind of, it has a lot of similar mechanics to what Dota does, you know, with the, you know, last hitting and securing your creeps and then also like your, your kind of like creep and gold economy that you garner from creeps. And make like that is so important for making sure that you buy items because there's a full item, you know, shop as well. And then those items also, you know, you can purchase items tactically to deal with certain enemies and or certain ways of playing. It's. It's really cool because that kind of extension isn't really available in any other shooters that I'm aware of, especially when it comes to hero based stuff. It's kind of like you buy, you play a hero to counter another hero. You don't have that option to kind of build or buy out of a tricky situation. So the game, I think, is phenomenal. I'm really keen to get back in once it leaves alpha. I think. I think once it kind of has a bit more time to stew and we kind of get to like an open. Like an open. It's done, kind of not done, but, you know, I'm sure it'll hit a point where it's like, you know, because they haven't even got hats or anything in there yet, so you can't buy skins and stuff for your character. So once I think they start hitting that point, I think that's good when it's going to be good. [01:29:52] Speaker B: One of the biggest things that I've noticed, cap, it's. It seems to cater to a very wide range of skill sets. It seems like people are able to jump in and have a good time with it and maybe the matchmaking's done correctly. And then you watch people that have a in depth knowledge on how dota or a mobile works and that are playing high skill games and it seems quite tactical around. [01:30:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:30:18] Speaker B: You know, creep equilibrium and which items to buy when and what items you should plan and builds and everything else. Yeah, it seems to have done a pretty good job at, you know, providing for that entry, zero experience with mobas, maybe played some shooters and playing and enjoying it and as well as catering to the others. [01:30:36] Speaker A: And I think that's also what I kind of forgot to mention earlier and I kind of started to elaborate on but never got to. The point was that this game's ingenious because it gives you the, the parts of Dota that then will make the rest of Dota feel familiar, but then presents it in a way that's probably a little bit more palatable and understandable to begin with or at least presents it in a way that like, you know, because a lot of people play shooters, so it's easy to get people to play a shooter than it would be to get them to play Dota. But it's almost like the perfect stepping stone into Dota because it's giving you an entry point into understanding last hits, understanding equilibrium, buying, you know, buying weapons and. Or whatever to, you know, counter heroes and. And, you know, playing as a team and understanding that you don't really have as much. What's the word? You don't have as much sway over the game without good economy and items until you hit that choices. [01:31:42] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. So different. [01:31:44] Speaker A: I. [01:31:45] Speaker B: As your knowledge grows around the heroes and what they can do and then what heroes you've got on your team and even what role you're playing in the game, it will. Will change your choice around what you're buying and how you're itemizing. It's crazy. I think. I think it could be. It could be fantastic. I think it looks to be fantastic. Do we know when, do we got a time frame cap for full release or we just kind of. [01:32:11] Speaker A: I think full release. I haven't heard much at all. I would imagine probably. I would say probably first quarter, mid next year. Feels like it's gonna be a fair way away. I think they got a bit of work to do, but I might be wrong there. I don't know. Like, I think they just released a new character. At least there was a character. I saw someone playing it. I thought, who the fuck's that? So, yeah, I don't know. Maybe. Maybe they're closer than we think. Just do a quick google. When will Deadlock get a full release? [01:32:48] Speaker B: I agree. Lama, and I think that's the beauty of. Of this being a valve game. I personally feel like the way that valve manages the economy slash money making for Dota two is, I think that's pivotal. So, you know, there's no pay to win, obviously, the game is very well balanced, but the hats and other bits and pieces available to buy in that game and the treasures, and there's almost like we're not, it's not battle pass, but it's called a. The compendiums for the international and how they fund the prize pool for competitive esports in that scene. I feel like the monetization for Deadlock is in pretty safe hands being a golf game. [01:33:34] Speaker A: Absolutely agreed. [01:33:36] Speaker B: I think that's pretty cool. [01:33:40] Speaker A: Yeah. So anyways, deadlock is sick. Really, really cool. I really want to get back into it once I think it's had a bit more time to cook because I just don't like, I kind of want to jump in when it's a bit more fleshed out because I don't really have enough time to play it as it is, so. But I've had a lot of fun with it. So now the other game I played, Grizz, was I downloaded Warhammer 40K space marine. And then I loaded it up, and I was like, man, this looks like shit. What the fuck? And then I realized I downloaded the first one. [01:34:14] Speaker B: So I was on Steam, and I did the old, oh, caps playing a game. What the fuck is he playing? Right? [01:34:19] Speaker A: Clicked. [01:34:20] Speaker B: Clicked on it. It's like, man, this game's from, like, fucking 2021 or something. Maybe even earlier. How long did you play it for? [01:34:31] Speaker A: But I loaded in and I was like, shouldn't there be a two there? Yes. I realized what I've done, but I did because it was trippy, because I, like, I download, I bought it, and then I went in to find it in my list. And because I don't have, like, all my games showing, I have, like, just show me the ones I can play. So I had to type in space marine, and then I did it from my phone because I was in bed and I couldn't be bothered going to my computer. You know, I had my computer on. I was, oh, cool, I can just set it to download the game. And so I did it. And then when I came in here, like, obviously on my phone, it didn't have the full, it just said Warhammer 40K space marine and didn't have was probably like space marine dash kind of thing. So I thought it was that one. It wasn't that one. It was the first one. Anyways, long story short, it was quite funny, but I started playing two. And, yeah, that game is amazing. It's, um, I I don't even know where to go with this. It's, it's, it's a really interesting ballet of, you know, you've got all these hordes of enemies coming up at you, and then you're kind of trying to thin them out a little bit before they get to you. And then suddenly they're on top of you and you're kind of, you're sweeping through them with your, with your sword, and then you've got these big brutes that are kind of popping in as well. And I a lot of horde mode kind of stuff going on, so. But the game is gorgeous. Like, when you see these hordes of enemies, like, in the distance, it is like, honestly, it's awe inspiring. [01:36:05] Speaker B: I've seen some footage someone posted of a guy just sitting in a random area and looking up. And it's like, you focus on one thing, and then all of a sudden you realize that there's something happening in the background and it's like a bunch of fucking things flying. Overdose. The attention to detail in the environment seems to be almost the best I've ever seen in any. Any video game ever. [01:36:28] Speaker A: Yeah, it's honestly incredible. Just the way that they're able to, I don't know, just render them as well and make it look good, because there's a lot going on with the physics of generating all those little piece like, pieces of the horde running at you. And, yeah, it's really, really well done, but I think the other part of it is, like, all the cinematics and the cutscenes and everything that kind of, you know, leads you into missions and stuff. It's really freaking epic, you know? Because I think one thing I found previously with some 40K media is, like, it can come off a little bit cringe, but this really the aesthetic of it, because, I mean, I also find sometimes the space marine kind of armor aesthetic to be a little bit, like, on that bionicle, kind of like, meh, whatever. But when you see, like, a space marine in this game, you think, fuck, that guy is a fucking badass. And, like, you feel it. Like, when you. When you're playing this game, you're sweeping through these hordes and it's really, really cool. So, yeah, I've been having a real, real good time with that. [01:37:35] Speaker B: Is it single player, cap co op? [01:37:37] Speaker A: It is single player. You can play it in co op as well. I've just been running through the campaign, so I've done the first few levels by myself. And, yeah, it's just been really, really good. I've been really enjoying it so much that it's made me go and watch a bunch of, like, 40K lore videos and fuck, I am deep, man. I'm fucking seriously deep now. I don't think I'll ever buy anything because I just don't want to have that stuff because I just don't have space for it, realistically. And I can't be fucked playing Warhammer, but the law really interests me, especially certain parts of the lore. So I've been kind of reading up on this part of the law called the Horace heresy, which is kind of one of the major turning points in the whole imperium of man thing. And that's been pretty freaking cool to listen to as I go to sleep at night. But the other part of this, Grizz, was because I'm just so into it right now. I also then ended up buying rogue trader on my steam deck, which is the baldur's gate kind of like game. So, you know, they call them crpgs. So it's the 40k. Yeah, recent one. [01:38:45] Speaker B: And that's on Steam deck. Is it good? [01:38:48] Speaker A: It runs really well. Really, really well. I think I had to drop the shadows down a little bit just to make it run a little bit more buttery, but it runs really well. Doesn't the. The graphics of the game doesn't require an awful lot because it's not a super pretty game. But if you're up for listening to a bit of 40k, just random shit going on in the combat's pretty cool, like, but yeah, it's really good. [01:39:12] Speaker B: Kind of like XCOM kind of xCOM style kind of thing. Or not. Or is it more like Baldr's gate? Sort of. [01:39:19] Speaker A: I'd say it's closer to Baldur's gate, though. It's still like. Like a CRPG. Yeah, but it's really good so far. I'm probably not far enough into it to really give it a full kind of run over, but I'm quite, quite enjoyed the combat system. Gotta be really careful because there's friendly fire and stuff. Yeah, so far I'm really enjoying the whole kind of 40k aesthetic and the CRPG stuff. So it's been really fun. But, yeah, Grizz, that's basically been my gaming. I've done a lot of considering. I say I don't have an awful lot of time, but it's just kind of like little dribs and drabs here and there, bits and pieces, you know, I kind of take what I can. I can get. You know, it's good. But look, Grizz, I think, like, we definitely have time to do rapid fire, so I'm not gonna bother. But I think that kind of is. [01:40:11] Speaker B: Gonna cover this episode, mate, it's been a big one. What's the time? [01:40:16] Speaker A: Fucking. [01:40:16] Speaker B: It's nearly 09:00, cap. [01:40:18] Speaker A: Yes. Yeah, it's been a big one. So I think we're gonna leave it there and. Yeah, just to reiterate. Yeah, look, this is gonna be the third last episode. We'll be giving you guys another one in November sometime, and then we'll be doing the final one in December. It's been a. It's been huge. We really appreciate all you guys listening and getting around this podcast because it's been a lot of fun putting it together. Sorry. God damn. I'm talking for this long. But yeah, it's gonna be a real shame to put it down, but, you know, it probably won't be the end. I'm sure me and Grizz will suddenly find time in our schedules once our children are bit older and the rest of it. [01:40:58] Speaker B: Look, look, maybe we just do stuff. I mean, back. The world is ours in our cap. Maybe we can do stuff for the game of the year awards and other bits and pieces. Who knows? I'm still be streaming occasionally from my channel. Really? But it's been a wild ride, mate. [01:41:17] Speaker A: Wild. 100 episodes. That's huge. Well, yeah, yeah, it's good. [01:41:24] Speaker B: Nice. [01:41:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:41:25] Speaker B: Shedding a tear. [01:41:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Little tear, but, yeah. So keep an eye on our socials and stuff to know when we expect to do the next episode and then the final episode after that. But again, yeah, you're looking at one in November and then another one in December, so. Yeah. But look, just want to say a big thank you to our wonderful listeners. You know, go to OGR show for all of our links. I've been. I'm doing a real half assed with this because I've only got two more left. So, yeah, if you want to follow us, I mean, you're welcome to, but you're not gonna be getting fuck all after Sebast. [01:41:58] Speaker B: But, yes. [01:41:59] Speaker A: Anyways, we'll catch you guys next time. Take it easy, and, yeah, peace out. [01:42:16] Speaker B: Of wow.

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